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Replacing Gaps with Dental Implants: a Case Study


Replacing Missing Teeth - Bridge Dental Clinic
Most of us don’t think twice about putting on our best smile for a photograph or selfie, but for some people, it’s actually their worst nightmare.

If you’re worried or embarrassed about your smile because of missing teeth then avoiding the camera can all too easily become a way of life.

The good news is that here at Bridge Dental and Implant Clinic we have a huge amount of experience at replacing missing teeth with dental implants meaning that you can achieve the ultimate photo ready smile that you’re proud to show off!

We wanted to share this lovely case study with you to show you the difference that dental implants can make to a smile.

This 20-year-old lady had always had these gaps to the sides of her front teeth because her permanent adult teeth were congenitally missing. This means that the adult teeth (or second teeth) never formed, so when she lost her baby teeth, there were no adult teeth present to move into their place. Being a young, healthy and attractive girl, she didn’t want to have a denture to replace the missing teeth and asked us if a more permanent solution was possible.

The benefits of dental implants and all the treatment options were fully explained by our team of clinicians and treatment coordinator and she was delighted to go ahead and replace her missing teeth permanently with dental implants.

To take a look at the case study, just scroll down a little and use the zoom tool to enlarge if necessary.


Implants Case Study - Bridge Dental Clinic


Our patient was thrilled with the final result (as were we) and now smiles with confidence at every given opportunity!

You can find out more about how dental implants can change not only your smile, but your life too by visiting the implant pages of our website here, or you can arrange to visit our treatment coordinator, Sonya Wynne for a FREE consultation. Meeting with Sonya is a friendly and informal consultation where she will happily listen to what your desired outcomes are and give you as much information as you need for you to make an informed decision about your treatment options.

Call us today on 01332 220623.

Posted by Bridge Dental and Implant Clinic on 21st June 2016, under Dental Implants