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Enjoy a Healthy Smile with Our Dental Care Plan

Enjoy a Healthy Smile with Our Dental Care Plan

We only have one set of adult teeth so it really pays to look after them. Here at Bridge Dental and Implant Clinic, our aim is to help your natural teeth last as long as possible and we hope for life. As dental professionals, we know a good preventative dental treatment plan is the very best and most cost-effective way to enjoy a healthy smile. However, we also know it is easy to put off regular check-ups, perhaps until next payday or after your holiday, and by that time you’re likely to have forgotten completely. This is why we are excited to tell you about our Preventative Dental Care Membership.


Complimentary Preventative Dental Care Appointments

With our affordable Dental Care Plan, your routine check-ups and hygiene appointments are covered. You won’t need to pay a thing when you come and see us for regular dental examinations. This is a great way to enjoy excellent preventative dental care and it includes your comprehensive dental examinations and dental x-rays when needed. You are also covered for regular hygiene appointments. This great benefit kicks in once you have made just six consecutive monthly payments.


Why is Preventative Dental Care So Important?

By detecting problems at an early stage, we can provide often treatment that is quicker, cheaper and less invasive, preserving more of your natural tooth structure and preventing discomfort or dental emergencies such as tooth infections or dental abscesses. All dental restorations need replacing periodically and it is much better to renew a crumbling filling than to wait until infection and decay sets in. Great dental health helps to protect your general health and regular dental check-ups are every bit as important as routine health checks with your GP.


Did You Know Your Dental Examination Includes an Oral Cancer Screening?

Oral cancer screenings are another vital part of your regular dental examination. One problem with oral cancer is that it is frequently diagnosed extremely late in the day, by which stage treatment may be far less effective. Our dentist is specially trained to look for any small changes that may indicate oral cancer and is probably the only medical professional who regularly examines the inside of your mouth. This is a quick and non-invasive check that has the potential to save lives.


Put a Sparkle in Your Smile with Your Complimentary Hygiene Appointment

Freshen up your smile with a scale and polish and get great advice from our dedicated hygiene team. Our hygienist can give you lots of tips on brushing and particularly on flossing. We know flossing can be awkward for many people but it’s so important for preventing gum disease. Once you know the correct technique, we promise you’ll find it far easier and much more effective.


Enjoy Great Savings on any Additional Treatment

Your Dental Care Plan includes much more than just your preventative dental care. If you do have a dental emergency, you are covered for an assessment and temporary treatment during our normal practice hours. If you need new crowns, bridges or dentures, or any fillings, you will receive a 20% discount. This discount also applies to additional hygiene treatment, if needed, as well as most other dental work. For a just a few pounds a year, you can extend your Dental Care Plan to include worldwide cover.


Preventative dentistry is hugely important to all of us here at Bridge Dental and Implant Clinic. We love getting to know our regular and very loyal patients and their families and have seen first-hand the difference good dental health can make to someone’s self-esteem and self-confidence. Our Dental Care Plan is great value, and is such an easy way to make sure your routine dental health is covered, helping you enjoy a healthy and attractive smile.

Posted by Bridge Dental and Implant Clinic on 22nd June 2016, under Dental Care Plan