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Caring for your babies smile

Did you know? More children under 10 are admited to hospital as a result of tooth decay than a broken arm.

Starting early

Start practicing good dental care even before their first teeth appear. Wipe your newborns gums with a damp clean cloth after every feed.

First teeth

Once the first teeth appear, begin brushing with a small head brush. With a large handle so your tot can help too!

Cut out the bedtime bottle

If your little one relies on taking a bottle to bed, replace the milk or juice with half water and then, after a few nights, only water.

Eventually the bottle will become less interesting to your child and they should start falling asleep without it.

Keep in mind…

Once your child is old enough to brush their teeth, they may not tell you the truth about brushing their teeth!

A recent survey found 48% of children fibbed ‘all of the time’ or ‘ocasionally’ to their parents, saying they had brushed their teeth.

1/5 wet their toothbrush as well.

Posted by Bridge Dental and Implant Clinic on 10th January 2018, under Children