Find out all about our new air purifying system!
Here at Bridge Dental & Implant Clinic your safety is our priority. We are proud to announce that we have invested in the latest technology for our practice to ensure that our patients are in the safest environment when attending their appointments. We’ve invested in an air purifying system. Dentair draws in harmful matter from all corners of the room. Providing a safer environment for you and our dental team.
The quality of the air in a dental surgery is paramount. The high-performance DentAir system uses the very latest and trusted technology in air purification to eliminate contaminants in the room, quickly and effectively. Reaching over 99.99% sterilisation rate our new system draws in and filters out harmful bacteria, viruses, volatile organic compounds and mercury vapour, to disperse clean and safe air, quickly and quietly.
Rest assured you can feel safe visiting our practice for your next appointment.
We look forward to seeing you!
Posted by Bridge Dental and Implant Clinic on 12th August 2020, under Uncategorized